There are many techniques that are used in the therapeutic massage world. Is important to note that not all techniques may be appropriate for you or your need. Here we will list some of the massage therapy techniques that we use at Urban Health.
One technique is called kneading and can be performed in different ways. The pressure that is used varies based on the purpose of the massage and the tissues being treated.
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Massage
This type includes the use of a tool in order to provide the massage. This technique can be used in a passive mode or an active mode. The type of instrument used can vary from mechanical to non mechanical tools.
Myofascial Release
This technique focuses on stretching the fascia with the end goal being able to poise the body. Fascia is a tissue that is located between the skin and the underlying structure of muscle and bone. It is a continuous web of connective tissue that covers and connects bones, muscle, and organs in our body. The goal of myofascial release is to remove fascia restriction and restore better motion between the tissues.
Trigger Point Therapy
Trigger point therapy involves applying pressure to a tender muscle to relieve pain. Those “knots” that we feel in our muscles are commonly trigger points.
Sport Massage and Therapeutic Massage
Sports or therapeutic massage is done with the intention of returning you to your desired sport or daily activity with the same or even better level of function. These types of massages can include more aggressive techniques that approach muscles more deeply.
Here we have presented some of the techniques that are used at Urban Health. There are many techniques and is dependent on the provider in which one to use. Not all techniques are recommended since some have their time and place. It is important to note that you may not like a certain technique and it is important to inform your provider about it.
I am very grateful to you for the information.